Friday 7 May 2010

3D Animation Assessment

As part of our assessment we were asked to pair up and animate two selected fairground rides. The ride I chose to create and animate in lightwave 3D was the octopus ride.

The Precious Dagger - Animatic

As part of a group of five in an animation planning module we were asked to prepare the research materials, paperwork and pitch for a basic animation. This was the final animatic. 

3D Fruit Image 3

3D Fruit Image 2

Thursday 25 March 2010

3D Fruit Image 1

 For our first assessment in 3D animation we were asked to model fruit and place them in a shallow bowl on a plinth these are some of my final rendered images.

Sunday 14 March 2010

Squash and Stretch

For the first part of our Animation Planning module we were asked to explain the principles of animation the current and previous posts are such.

Grants an object weight and flexibility giving it realistic properties. One rule applied to this principle is that the volume of the object should always remain consistent; this will help to create a more life like movement.


This tells the audience that something is going to happen preparing them for an action. E.g. a character looks down at an object before attempting to pick it up.